Technical Reports
- 96-01, Bret Larget (August, 1996)
- A Canonical Representation for Aggregated Markov Processes
Article (PostScript)]
- 96-02, Bret Larget (August 1996)
- Developing Intuition for the Standard Deviation
via Computer Graphics
Article (PostScript)]
- 96-03, Robert J. Hill and Thomas A. Keagy (November, 1996)
- Linear Algebra with Derive
- 97-01, Richard F. Patterson (October, 1997)
- Some generalizations of Tauberian theorems for subsequences
- 97-02, Richard F. Patterson (October, 1997)
- Subseries of double series
which are not absolutely P-convergent
- 97-03, Bob Mau, Michael Newton, and Bret Larget
(November, 1997)
- Bayesian phylogenetic inference
via Markov chain Monte Carlo methods
Article (PostScript)]
- 97-04, Michael Newton, Bret Larget, Rick Chappell,
and Russell Jacoby (December, 1997)
- Random allocations in comparative experiments of known size:
balance without blocking
Article (PostScript)]
- 98-02, Bret Larget and Donald L. Simon (October, 1998)
- Faster likelihood calculations on trees
Article (PDF)]
- 04-01, Stacey Levine, Jon Stanich, and Yunmei Chen
(January, 2004)
- Image Restoration via Nonstandard Diffusion
Article (PDF)]
- 05-01, S. Levine, M. Ramsey, T. Misner, and S. Schwab
(March, 2005)
- An Adaptive Model for Image Decomposition
[Abstract (to appear),
Article (PDF) (to appear)]
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