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Trail: Creating a GUI with JFC/Swing
Lesson: Laying Out Components Within a Container

Laying Out Components Within a Container: Examples (1.4)

The table that follows lists every 1.4 example in the Laying Out Components Within a Container lesson, with links to required files and to where each example is discussed. The first column of the table has links to JNLP files that let you run the examples using JavaTM Web Start.

Version Note: Although these examples use the 1.4 API, many of them can be compiled and run in 1.3 if you remove the call to setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated. To see earlier versions of most of these examples, go to the 1.1/1.2 example list (in the Creating a GUI with JFC/Swing trail).

To run an example using Java Web Start, click the [Run] link in the first column of the table. The first time you run an example, there will be a delay while Java Web Start downloads the JAR file containing the class files for this lesson's examples. Afterward, the examples should execute more quickly. If you have trouble using Java Web Start, see Installing and Using Java Web Start (in the Creating a GUI with JFC/Swing trail).

Note: The examples that use SpringLayout don't work in 1.3 or earlier versions because SpringLayout was introduced in 1.4.

Compiling and Running the Examples Locally

Note: Examples are all applications. See Getting Started with Swing (in the Creating a GUI with JFC/Swing trail) for details about releases and instructions on compiling and running programs.
You can get the source, image, and other files required for all these examples by downloading the Tutorial Examples bundle (outside of the tutorial), which contains the files in the correct hierarchy. If you download an individual example, take care to have all the necessary files in the proper hierarchy when you compile and run it. For example, many examples expect their image files to be in a directory named images that's in the same directory as the example's class files.

You can find out which files each example needs by consulting the following table or by looking at the comments at the beginning of each source file.

Table of Examples

Example Source Files
(first file has the main method)
Image and Other Files Where Described
AbsoluteLayoutDemo [Run] (in a .java source file)   Doing Without a Layout Manager
BorderLayoutDemo [Run] (in a .java source file)   How to Use BorderLayout
BoxAlignmentDemo [Run] (in a .java source file) geek-cght.gif middle.gif How to Use BoxLayout
BoxLayoutDemo [Run] (in a .java source file)   How to Use BoxLayout
BoxLayoutDemo2 [Run] (in a .java source file)   How to Use BoxLayout
CardLayoutDemo [Run] (in a .java source file)   How to Use CardLayout
CustomLayoutDemo [Run] (in a .java source file)   Creating a Custom Layout Manager
FlowLayoutDemo [Run] (in a .java source file)   How to Use FlowLayout
GraphPaperTest [Run] (in a .java source file) (in a .java source file)
  Creating a Custom Layout Manager
GridBagLayoutDemo [Run] (in a .java source file)   How to Use GridBagLayout
GridLayoutDemo [Run] (in a .java source file)   How to Use GridLayout
SpringBox [Run] (in a .java source file) (in a .java source file)
  How to Use SpringLayout
SpringCompactGrid [Run] (in a .java source file) (in a .java source file)
  How to Use SpringLayout
SpringDemo1 * (in a .java source file)   How to Use SpringLayout
SpringDemo2 * (in a .java source file)   How to Use SpringLayout
SpringDemo3 [Run] (in a .java source file)   How to Use SpringLayout
SpringDemo4 [Run] (in a .java source file)   How to Use SpringLayout
SpringForm [Run] (in a .java source file) (in a .java source file)
  How to Use SpringLayout
SpringGrid [Run] (in a .java source file) (in a .java source file)
  How to Use SpringLayout
TabDemo [Run] (in a .java source file)   How to Use CardLayout
* SpringDemo1 and SpringDemo2 are intentionally broken, and we don't advise running them using Java Web Start.

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