Release 1.4 introduced a subclass ofJTextField
. Formatted text fields provide a way for developers to specify the legal set of characters that can be entered into a text field. Specifically,JFormattedTextField
adds a formatter and an object value to the features inherited fromJTextField
. The formatter performs the translation from the field's value into the text it displays, and vice versa.Using the formatters Swing provides, you can set up formatted text fields for easy input of dates and numbers in localized formats. Another kind of formatter lets you use a character mask to specify the set of characters that can be entered at each position in the field. For example, you can specify a mask for entering phone numbers in a particular format, such as (XX) X-XX-XX-XX-XX.
Version note: Before 1.4, text field formatting required more effort. You could check the field's value when the user pressed Enter by putting format-checking code in your action listener, but you couldn't do any checking before the action event was generated unless you implemented a custom model (Document
) for the text field. 1.3 introduced input verification, but that isn't specialized for text fields and is tied to focus changes.If the possible values of a formatted text field have an obvious order, consider using a spinner instead. A spinner uses a formatted text field, by default, but adds two buttons that let the user step through a sequence of values.
Another alternative or adjunct to using a formatted text field is installing an input verifier on the field. A component's input verifier is called when the component is about to lose the keyboard focus. It lets you check whether the value of the component is legal and optionally change it or stop focus from being transferred.
Here is a picture of a GUI that uses formatted text fields to display numbers in four different formats.
You can find the full code in
Try this:
- Run FormattedTextFieldDemo using JavaTM Web Start. Or, to compile and run the example yourself, consult the example index.
- Experiment with different loan amounts, annual percentage rates (APR), and loan lengths.
Note that the Month Payment field is updated when you either press Enter or move the focus out of the field you're editing, as long as the text you type is valid.- Enter invalid text such as "abcd" in the Loan Amount field and then press Enter.
Nothing happens. When you move the focus from the field, the text reverts to the field's last valid value.- Enter marginally valid text such as "2000abcd" in the Loan Amount field and press Enter.
The Monthly Payment field is updated, though the Loan Amount field still looks strange. When you move the focus from the Loan Amount field, the text it displays is updated to be a nicely formatted version of its value for example, "2,000".. Here is the code that creates the first field:
amountField = new JFormattedTextField(amountFormat); amountField.setValue(new Double(amount)); amountField.setColumns(10); amountField.addPropertyChangeListener("value", this); ... amountFormat = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();The constructor used to create
takes ajava.text.Format
argument. TheFormat
object is used by the field's formatter to translate between the field's text and value.The rest of the code sets up
. ThesetValue
method sets the field's value property to a floating point number represented as aDouble
object. ThesetColumns
method, inherited fromJTextField
, provides a hint as to the preferred size of the field. Finally, the call toaddPropertyChangeListener
registers a listener for the value property of the field, so the program can update the Monthly Payment field whenever the user changes the loan amount.The rest of this section covers the following topics:
- Creating and Initializing Formatted Text Fields
- Setting and Getting the Field's Value
- Specifying Formats
- Using MaskFormatter
- Specifying Formatters and Using Formatter Factories
This section doesn't explain the API inherited from
. That API is described in How to Use Text Fields.
The following code creates and initializes the remaining three fields in FormattedTextFieldDemo.
rateField = new JFormattedTextField(percentFormat); rateField.setValue(new Double(rate)); rateField.setColumns(10); rateField.addPropertyChangeListener("value", this); numPeriodsField = new JFormattedTextField(); numPeriodsField.setValue(new Integer(numPeriods)); numPeriodsField.setColumns(10); numPeriodsField.addPropertyChangeListener("value", this); paymentField = new JFormattedTextField(paymentFormat); paymentField.setValue(new Double(payment)); paymentField.setColumns(10); paymentField.setEditable(false); paymentField.setForeground(; ... percentFormat = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); percentFormat.setMinimumFractionDigits(2); paymentFormat = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();The code for setting up
is almost identical to the code you saw before. The only difference is that the format is slightly different, thanks to the codepercentFormat.setMinimumFractionDigits(2)
.The code that creates
doesn't explicitly set a format or formatter. Instead, it sets the value to anInteger
and lets the field use the default formatter forInteger
s. We couldn't do this in the previous two fields because we didn't want to use the default formatter forDouble
s; the result didn't look exactly like we wanted it to. We'll discuss how to specify formats and formatters a little later.The payment field is different from the other fields because it's uneditable, uses a different color for its text, and doesn't happen to have a property change listener. However, it's otherwise the same as the other fields. We could have chosen to use a text field or label instead. Whatever the component, we could still use
to parse the payment amount into the text to be displayed.
Keep this in mind when using a formatted text field:
A formatted text field's text and its value are two different properties, and the value often lags the text.
The text property is defined by
; it always reflects what the field displays. The value property, defined byJFormattedTextField
, might not reflect the latest text displayed in the field. While the user is typing, the text property changes, but the value property doesn't until the changes are committed.To be more precise, the value of a formatted text field can be set using either the
method or thecommitEdit
method. ThesetValue
method sets the value to the specified argument. Although the argument can technically be anyObject
, it needs to be something that the formatter can convert into a string. Otherwise, the text field won't display anything useful.The
method sets the value to whatever object the formatter determines is represented by the field's text. ThecommitEdit
method is automatically called when either of the following happens:
- When the user presses Enter while the field has the focus.
- By default, when the field loses the focus for example, the user presses Tab to change the focus to another component. You can use the
method to specify that something different should happen when the field loses the focus.
Note: Some formatters might update the value constantly, making the focus-lost behavior moot since the value will always be the same as what the text specifies.When you set the value of a formatted text field, the field's text is updated to reflect the value. Exactly how the value is represented as text depends on the field's formatter.
Note that although
inherits thesetText
method fromJTextField
, you don't usually invokesetText
on a formatted text field. If you do, the field's display will change accordingly but the value will not be updated (unless the field's formatter updates it constantly).To get a formatted text field's current value, use the
method. If necessary, you can ensure the value reflects the text by callingcommitEdit
. BecausegetValue
returns anObject
, you need to cast it to the type used for your field's value. For example:Date enteredDate = (Date)dateField.getValue();To detect changes in a formatted text field's value, you can register a property change listener on the formatted text field to listen for changes to the "value" property. Here is the property change listener from FormattedTextFieldDemo:
//The property change listener is registered on each //field using code like this: // someField.addPropertyChangeListener("value", this); /** Called when a field's "value" property changes. */ public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) { Object source = e.getSource(); if (source == amountField) { amount = ((Number)amountField.getValue()).doubleValue(); } else if (source == rateField) { rate = ((Number)rateField.getValue()).doubleValue(); } else if (source == numPeriodsField) { numPeriods = ((Number)numPeriodsField.getValue()).intValue(); } double payment = computePayment(amount, rate, numPeriods); paymentField.setValue(new Double(payment)); }
class provides a way to format locale-sensitive information such as dates and numbers. Formatters that descend fromInternationalFormatter
, such asDateFormatter
, useFormat
objects to translate between the field's text and value. You can get aFormat
object by invoking one of the factory methods inDateFormat
, or by using one of theSimpleDateFormat
Note: A third commonly used formatter class,MaskFormatter
, does not descend fromInternationalFormatter
and does not use formats. It's discussed in Using MaskFormatter.You can customize certain format aspects when you create the
, and others through format-specific API. For example,DecimalFormat
objects, which inherit fromNumberFormat
and are often returned by its factory methods, can be customized using thesetMaximumFractionDigits
methods. For information about usingFormat
s, see the Formatting lesson of the Internationalization trail.The easiest way to associate a customized format with a formatted text field is to create the field using the
constructor that takes aFormat
as an argument. You can see this in the previous code snippets that createamountField
class implements a formatter that specifies exactly which characters are legal in each position of the field's text. For example, the following code creates aMaskFormatter
that lets the user enter a 5-digit zip code:You can try out the results of the preceding code by running TextInputDemo using Java Web Start. Or, to compile and run the example yourself, consult the example index. Here is a picture of the program's GUI:zipField = new JFormattedTextField( createFormatter("#####")); ... protected MaskFormatter createFormatter(String s) { MaskFormatter formatter = null; try { formatter = new MaskFormatter(s); } catch (java.text.ParseException exc) { System.err.println("formatter is bad: " + exc.getMessage()); System.exit(-1); } return formatter; }[PENDING: This snapshot needs to be retaken, since the GUI has changed slightly.] The following table shows the characters you can use in the formatting mask:
Character Description # Any valid number ( Character.isDigit
(single quote)Escape character, used to escape any of the special formatting characters. U Any character ( Character.isLetter
). All lowercase letters are mapped to uppercase.L Any character ( Character.isLetter
). All uppercase letters are mapped to lowercase.A Any character or number ( Character.isLetter
).? Any character ( Character.isLetter
).* Anything. H Any hex character (0-9, a-f or A-F).
When specifying formatters, keep in mind that each formatter object can be used by at most one formatted text field at a time. Each field should have at least one formatter associated with it, of which exactly one is used at any time.You can specify the formatters to be used by a formatted text field in several ways:
- Use the
constructor that takes aFormat
A formatter for the field is automatically created that uses the specified format.
- Use the
constructor that takes aJFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter
The specified formatter is used for the field.
- Set the value of a formatted text field that has no format, formatter, or formatter factory specified.
A formatter is assigned to the field by the default formatter factory, using the type of the field's value as a guide. If the value is aDate
, the formatter is aDateFormatter
. If the value is aNumber
, the formatter is aNumberFormatter
. Other types result in an instance ofDefaultFormatter
- Make the formatted text field use a formatter factory that returns customized formatter objects.
This is the most flexible approach. It's useful when you want to associate more than one formatter with a field or add a new kind of formatter to be used for multiple fields. As an example of the former use, you might have a field that should interpret user typing a certain way but display the value (when the user isn't typing) another way. As an example of the latter use, you might have several fields that have values of a custom class say,PhoneNumber
. You could set up the fields to use a formatter factory that can return specialized formatters for phone numbers.You can set a field's formatter factory either by creating the field using a constructor that takes a formatter factory argument, or by invoking the
method on the field. To create a formatter factory, you can often use an instance ofDefaultFormatterFactory
. ADefaultFormatterFactory
object lets you specify the formatters returned when a value is being edited, not being edited, or has a null value.The following pictures show an application based on FormattedTextFieldDemo that uses formatter factories to set multiple editors for the Loan Amount and APR fields. While the user is editing the Loan Amount, the $ character is not used so that the user isn't forced to enter it. Similarly, while the user is editing the APR field, the % is not required. You can run the example using Java Web Start. Or, to compile and run the example yourself, consult the example index.
Here is the code that creates the formatters and sets them up, using instances of
:The boldface code highlights the calls toprivate double rate = .075; //7.5 % ... amountField = new JFormattedTextField( new DefaultFormatterFactory( new NumberFormatter(amountDisplayFormat), new NumberFormatter(amountDisplayFormat), new NumberFormatter(amountEditFormat))); ... NumberFormatter percentEditFormatter = new NumberFormatter(percentEditFormat) { public String valueToString(Object o) throws ParseException { Number number = (Number)o; if (number != null) { double d = number.doubleValue() * 100.0; number = new Double(d); } return super.valueToString(number); } public Object stringToValue(String s) throws ParseException { Number number = (Number)super.stringToValue(s); if (number != null) { double d = number.doubleValue() / 100.0; number = new Double(d); } return number; } }; rateField = new JFormattedTextField( new DefaultFormatterFactory( new NumberFormatter(percentDisplayFormat), new NumberFormatter(percentDisplayFormat), percentEditFormatter)); ... amountDisplayFormat = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(); amountDisplayFormat.setMinimumFractionDigits(0); amountEditFormat = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); percentDisplayFormat = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(); percentDisplayFormat.setMinimumFractionDigits(2); percentEditFormat = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); percentEditFormat.setMinimumFractionDigits(2);DefaultFormatterFactory
constructors. The first argument to the constructor specifies the default formatter to use for the formatted text field. The second specifies the display formatter, which is used when the field doesn't have the focus. The third specifies the edit formatter, used when the field has the focus. The code doesn't use a fourth argument, but if it did, it would specify the null formatter, which is used when the field's value is null. Because no null formatter is specified, the default formatter is used when the value is null.The code customizes the formatter that uses
by creating a subclass ofNumberFormatter
. This subclass overrides thevalueToString
methods ofNumberFormatter
so that they convert the displayed number to the value actually used in calculations, and vice versa. Specifically, the displayed number is 100 times the actual value. The reason is that the percent format used by the display formatter automatically displays the text as 100 times the value, so the corresponding editor formatter must do so as well. FormattedTextFieldDemo doesn't need to worry about this conversion because it uses only one format for both display and editing.You can find the code for the entire program in
The following tables list some of the commonly used API for using formatted text fields.
Classes Related to Formatted Text Fields Class or Interface Purpose JFormattedTextField Subclass of JTextField
that supports formatting arbitrary values.JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter The superclass of all formatters for JFormattedTextField
. A formatter enforces editing policies and navigation policies, handles string-to-object conversions, and manipulates theJFormattedTextField
as necessary to enforce the desired policy.JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatterFactory The superclass of all formatter factories. Each JFormattedTextField
uses a formatter factory to obtain the formatter that best corresponds to the text field's state.DefaultFormatterFactory The formatter factory normally used. Dishes out formatters based on details such as the passed-in parameters and focus state. DefaultFormatter Subclass of JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter
that formats arbitrary objects using thetoString
method.MaskFormatter Subclass of DefaultFormatter
that formats and edits strings using a specified character mask. (For example, 7-digit phone numbers can be specified using "###-####".)InternationalFormatter Subclass of DefaultFormatter
that uses an instance ofjava.text.Format
to handle conversion to and from aString
.NumberFormatter Subclass of InternationalFormatter
that supports number formats using an instance ofNumberFormat
.DateFormatter Subclass of InternationalFormatter
that supports date formats using an instance ofDateFormat
JFormattedTextField Methods Method or Constructor Purpose JFormattedTextField()
JFormattedTextField(AbstractFormatterFactory, Object)Create a new formatted text field. The Object
argument, if present, specifies the initial value of the field and causes an appropriate formatter factory to be created. TheFormat
argument specifies the format or formatter to be used for the field, causing an appropriate formatter factory to be created. TheAbstractFormatterFactory
argument specifies the formatter factory to be used, which determines which formatters are used for the field.void setValue(Object)
Object getValue()Set or get the value of the formatted text field. You must cast the return type based on how the JFormattedTextField
has been configured. If the formatter hasn't been set yet, invokingsetValue
sets the formatter to one returned by the field's formatter factory.void setFormatterFactory(AbstractFormatterFactory) Set the object that determines the formatters used for the formatted text field. It is often an instance of DefaultFormatterFactory
.AbstractFormatter getFormatter() Get the formatter of the formatted text field. It is often an instance of DefaultFormatter
.void setFocusLostBehavior(int) Specifies what should happen when the field loses the focus. Possible values are defined in JFormattedTextField
(the default),COMMIT
(commit if valid, otherwise leave everything the same),PERSIST
(do nothing), andREVERT
(change the text to reflect the value).void commitEdit() Sets the value to the object represented by the field's text (as determined by the field's formatter). If the text is invalid, the value remains the same and a ParseException
is thrown.boolean isEditValid() Returns true if the formatter considers the current text to be valid (as determined by the field's formatter).
DefaultFormatter Options Method Purpose void setCommitsOnValidEdit(boolean)
boolean getCommitsOnValidEdit()Set or get when edits are pushed back to the JFormattedTextField
. Iftrue
is invoked after every valid edit. This property isfalse
by default.void setOverwriteMode(boolean)
boolean getOverwriteMode()Set or get the behavior when inserting characters. If true
, new characters overwrite existing characters in the model as they are inserted. The default value of this property istrue
(and thus inMaskFormatter
) andfalse
(and thus inDateFormatter
).void setAllowsInvalid(boolean)
boolean getAllowsInvalid()Set or get whether the value being edited is allowed to be invalid for a length of time. It is often convenient to allow the user to enter invalid values until a commit is attempted. DefaultFormatter
initializes this property totrue
. Of the standard Swing formatters, onlyMaskFormatter
sets it tofalse
A few of our examples use formatted text fields.
Example Where Described Notes FormattedTextFieldDemo This section Uses four formatted text fields. SpinnerDemo How to Use Spinners Customizes the appearance of the formatted text fields used by two spinners. SliderDemo3 How to Use Sliders Pairs a formatted text field with a slider to allow editing of an integer value. Converter Using Models Each ConversionPanel
pairs a formatted text field with a slider.CelsiusConverter2
[PENDING: When the 1.4 version of this example is added, there will be a link to it.]Nowhere yet Uses a formatted text field to let the user enter a decimal number. TextInputDemo This section Shows how to use text fields, spinners, and formatted text fields together, and demonstrates how to use MaskFormatter
. Includes code for selecting the text of the field that has just gotten the focus.FormatterFactoryDemo This section A variation on FormattedTextFieldDemo that uses formatter factories to specify multiple formatters for two formatted text fields. RegexFormatter Regular Expression Based AbstractFormatter (in The Swing Connection A regular expression formatter that you can use. Includes source code and information on how it was implemented.