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Trail: Servlets
Lesson: The servletrunner Utility

Starting servletrunner (JSDK2.0)

The servletrunner is in the <jsdk>/bin directory. You can run the utility more easily if this directory is on your search path. For example:

	% setenv PATH /usr/local/jsdk/bin:		(on UNIX)

	C> set PATH=C:\jsdk\bin;%PATH%			(on Win32)

Invoking servletrunner with the -help flag shows a usage message without running it:

% servletrunner -help
Usage: servletrunner [options]
  -p port     the port number to listen on
  -b backlog  the listen backlog
  -m max      maximum number of connection handlers
  -t timeout  connection timeout in milliseconds
  -d dir      servlet directory
  -r root     document root directory
  -s filename servlet property file name
  -v          verbose output

To see the default values of these options, call servletrunner with the -v option. This starts the utility; just stop it after you have obtained the information if you are not ready to run it yet, or want it to run with something other than the default values. On Unix for example, using the kill command stops servletrunner.

% servletrunner -v
Server settings:
  port = 8080
  backlog = 50
  max handlers = 100
  timeout = 5000
  servlet dir = ./examples
  document dir = ./examples
  servlet propfile = ./examples/

Note: In the default values printed above, servlet dir, document dir and the directory for the servlet propfile contain a dot ("."). The dot designates the current working directory. The current working directory is typically the directory from which the executable was started. In this case, however, the dot refers to the directory where the servlet development kit is installed.

If you start servletrunner from a directory other than the installation directory, servletrunner first changes its current working directory (and, therefore, what you might think of as the value of the ".").

Once servletrunner is executing, you can use it to test your servlets.

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