other commonly used top-level functions
Major Section: ACL2 Documentation
@ -- get the value of a global variable in state
ASSIGN -- assign to a global variable in state
CHECKPOINTS -- seeing what is the prover up to
COMP -- compile some ACL2 functions
CW-GSTACK -- debug a rewriting loop or stack overflow
GOOD-BYE -- quit entirely out of Lisp
LD -- the ACL2 read-eval-print loop, file loader, and command processor
PROPS -- print the ACL2 properties on a symbol
Q -- quit ACL2 (type :q
) -- reenter with (lp)
REBUILD -- a convenient way to reconstruct your old state
RESET-LD-SPECIALS -- restores initial settings of the ld
SET-GUARD-CHECKING -- control checking guards during execution of top-level forms
SET-RAW-MODE -- enter or exit ``raw mode,'' a raw Lisp environment
SKIP-PROOFS -- skip proofs for a given form -- a quick way to introduce unsoundness
THM -- prove a theorem
TRANS -- print the macroexpansion of a form
TRANS1 -- print the one-step macroexpansion of a form
This section contains an assortment of functions that fit into none
of the other categories and yet are suffiently useful as to merit
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