page 492, first paragraph: replace the sentence beginning with
"In addition," with the following:
Also, an array--single- or multi-dimensional--of elements of
one of the types just described or of type Object is
valid for use within a service endpoint interface. In
addition, a JAX-RPC value type can be used, either alone or as
the type of an array. A JAX-RPC value type is a class
in which each public variable and bean property is one of the
data types mentioned above or is itself a JAX-RPC value type.
A JAX-RPC value type must also have a public no-argument
constructor and must not implement the
java.rmi.Remote interface either directly or by
inheritance. When a JAX-RPC value type is transmitted in a
SOAP document, only the values of the public variables and
read-write bean properties will be included.