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Specialized Lambda Lists

A specialized lambda list is used to specialize a method for a particular signature and to describe how arguments matching that signature are received by the method. The defined names in Figure 3--15 use specialized lambda lists in some way; see the dictionary entry for each for information about how.

defmethod defgeneric

Figure 3--15: Standardized Operators that use Specialized Lambda Lists

A specialized lambda list can contain the lambda list keywords shown in Figure 3--16.

&allow-other-keys &key &rest &aux &optional

Figure 3--16: Lambda List Keywords used by Specialized Lambda Lists

A specialized lambda list is syntactically the same as an ordinary lambda list except that each required parameter may optionally be associated with a class or object for which that parameter is specialized.

lambda-list ::=({var | (var [specializer])}{*} [{&optional {var | (var [init-form [supplied-p-parameter]])}{*}]} [{&rest var]} [{&key {var | ({var | (keyword-name var)} [init-form [supplied-p-parameter]])}{*} [&allow-other-keys]]} [{&aux {var | (var [init-form])}{*}])}

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